I have not blogged in a long time so I thought I would write about my baby girl:)
Miss Lane Train,
You are almost 13 months
You wear a size 4 diaper
You weigh 19 lbs 14 oz and 28 in tall :)
You are incredibly silly!
You never stop talking mostly just your own gibberish but sometimes you say actual words
You can say: watey (water) doggy, more, eat, DADDY!!, mama, no, nonna, Ali, Macca, cracker, thank you, book, shoe, kkkeee (key),
yucky (thats your favorite word!)
Im sure I am forgetting some words you say but I cant think right now
You say any word anyone asks you to say. Yesterday you said "merican" for american, and you said "outback" haha it makes me giggle to hear you say such big words!
You eat everything except cottage cheese :)
You are testing your boundaries with mommy and daddy and its probably the cutest thing I have ever seen!!
You still take two naps a day and sleep through the night
Your favorite toys are my phone, wallet and keys
You know how to take off your diaper
You love to swim but you are not a fan of baths
You look more and more like me everyday :) :) :)
I love you baby!!!!
love mommy