- As of last Friday I have gained 30 lbs exactly. I feel good about my weight gain, hopefully I just gain 5 more lbs. Wouldn't that be lovely? A pound a week right? who knows. Pregnancy weight gain is weird. You can control it in a way but not really. You can eat healthy and not eat excessive amounts of food, but 1. the cravings can be ridiculous and 2. If you gain too much one month its not like you can cut down to lose what you gained you just have to keep going. I don't know...i'm crazy.
- I figured out my sleeping issues. when I was laying down I scrunch my legs up in like a ball and it was making it so my diaphragm couldn't make room for my lungs to take a deep breath so if I stretch out I can lay down :)
- My belly is getting HUGE. I have been waddling:/ its not so much because of the size of my belly but because my pelvis is in pain. Its the only way to walk so that it doesn't hurt. I usually just waddle right when I get out of bed and today I tried to run and it felt like things were falling apart ha! Gross I know Im sorry I am an oversharer:)
- This mirror is at the end of our hallway and Laney loves it! I dont think I will ever be able to move it ;) Look at that big ol' button! I got my hair done a few weeks ago. It looks and feels so much better!
- I have an appt tomorrow. I am weekly now.
- I did finish one of my projects for baby brothers room! I am going to work on another tonight and hopefully have it finished as well.
Have a superb Wednesday