Monday, May 13, 2013

Baby Girls MC

Hello again!
 I am pleasantly surprised at how well I am doing on a broken up sleep pattern:) Lets just say the first 3 months of Laneys life I slept....all day everyday. I was miserable. I had to have some sort of iron deficiancy or something becuase I could NOT stay awake and my skin was kind of grayish and pale it was gross. BUT I am feeling much better this time around. Still sleepy but I can function pretty well:)
So the first week of Sawyers life was crazy. I made an appt for Laney to see the derm the day after my due date. I am brilliant I know. So Sawyer is a week old, everyone is adjusting, and on this particular day Laney was extra clingy to mama and did not want to go to the dr. Turns out she did have Mollescum contagism. Basically little warts that covered her torso, arms and hips. To try to keep her relaxed I told her "we are just going to talk we dont have to do anything we are not comfortable with" well that ended up being a lie. Her derm gave us 2 options 1. a very expensive cream that they were sure her insurance didnt cover or 2. this liquid that they put on in the office and the warts will scab up and fall off and will be gone in a week. oh and its "painless"

So we opted for number two. I had to hold her down while they put this stuff on each individual bump. She had over a hundred. It was awful. I held it together and somehow didnt lose my shit and start crying with her. Which Caleb and I still arnt sure how I did that. They told me wash it off in two to three hours. Ok easy enough.

So we went home and took a nap. I set my phone alarm for exactly three hours after they put it on and I was going to wake her up and bathe her. No joke 2 mins before my alarm went off I hear her wake up and start screaming!!! I ran in there and she is holding up her arms screaming. I ripped off our clothes and jumped in the bath and tried to rinse her off as best as I could while she was clinging to me. After about ten mins in the bath of me just pouring water on her body, she stopped screaming and we got out. Thank the lord Sawyer slept through this whole thing. My mom came over and we read the paper and it said to use soap to make sure you get all of the stuff off. So back in the shower we went and I had to wash the warts that were burning her. I didnt let her know but I was sobbing the whole time. It was so hard to cause her pain.

She stayed stuck to me for about an hour then we decided we should get some clothes on. I took her into her room sat her down and stool and took her towel off to find over a hundred blisters covering her body. It. Was. Awful. I cried again. Give me a break I had just had a baby :P

I had to lift her up by her hands to get her on the potty and on the bed. She shook every time she tried to move. I got her propped up in my bed with pillows for her arms so they wouldn't touch her sides. All I kept thinking was in a week this will be better and she will be happy. So needless to say we didnt get much sleep that night.
All propped up in bed. She refuses to wear that yellow shirt anymore! haha bad memories I guess

The next day she was feeling so much better! The whole day the blisters were popping under her clothes which was good becuase blisters are painful but once they are popped they dont hurt! So we took her to the park and played.  Everyday after that got better and better. But boy that first day was very sad. Now they are all healed and she no longer has any one her torso but still has a few on her legs!! grrrr I think they may be going away on their own though...hopefully!
The next morning!! SO much better! That is her homemade cranberry juice popsicle:)

I do not recommend this treatment to children. I think It would work fine on an adult or older child who understands what is going to happen and who only have like 10 or less not 100+!!

That whole night I just kept thinking about all the mommas who have sick babies or babies in pain and I just cant imagaine the pain those mommas feel. You are all strong women. It is so incredibly hard to see your children like that.

Have a healthy Monday!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Birth story

My son Sawyer was born on Wednesday March 27 , 2013:) I want to get down his birth story while it is still fresh in my mind!!!! It is going to be long and detailed so read at your own risk:)

Tuesday March 26th
-I woke up around eight like I was everyday of my last trimester, I really felt like I needed to get a lot of stuff done before the baby came. Not big stuff just wanted to have the dishes done and the laundry and my bag all put together. I only have a few pairs of sweats that I can wear so I was washing them every time I wore them to make sure I had something to wear home from the hospital. I know I am an over thinker. Laney woke up and I made breakfast for us. Then I put makeup on and put more "attractive" pjs on so I didn't look too ragedy for my hubs.
 I started on the dishes since we had an overload of cups that needed to be washed. While I was doing them I had a few contractions and these really felt like they were pushing down low. So I kept an eye on the clock and they were coming every ten mins....hmmm I was excited but didn't want to say anything to Caleb without really knowing for sure! I was getting to the last of the dishes and I started to get nauseous. So I sat down and said "ok babe I think I might be in labor" He was silent and then went to the bathroom. Haha so I told Laney that I needed to walk around the house:) we started walking around the living room in circles together and then we put on some music and did a little dancing:) I was so worried that the contractions were going to stop! I was scared shitless at the thought of being in labor but I thought, this is my chance. I have to get this labor going!
Then Caleb pops out of the bathroom with his phone in his hand " ok do you feel this? How far apart are they?" It was awesome he was one step ahead of me the whole time. He knew what to look for when to call, what was normal and what wasn't. He got me an app on my phone that tracks your contractions and tells you how long they are. It was really helpful!

I walked around the house for a while and picked up all while my contractions were 8-10 mins apart. We put Laney down for a nap and I laid down but was too worked up to sleep. After nap my mom came over and we went to Sahms for dinner. I had not eaten much all day, I was trying to keep it light and Laney thought all my food looked good too so she helped me eat it. My contractions were getting stronger but I could talk through them and waddle through them. By 7:30 that night they were 5 minuets apart so I called the Dr. I tested positive for group B strep so I wanted to make sure that I got in in time to get two doses of antibiotics.

We arrived at the hospital about 8pm they took me back to triage, checked me and I was only dilated to a two......they said I could stay and walk around for an hour and see if anything changes or a could go home. I opted for going home. I didn't think much would change in an hour and I was STARVING and tired. By this time Caleb had someone cover the last hour of his shift and had joined us at the hospital. Laney, Caleb and I got jimmy johns and went home. I slept fine that night, only waking up a few times and feeling the contractions.

At six am on March 27th I woke up to a much stronger contraction, I could still walk and talk through it. They were consistently 5mins apart. I laid in bed for a while. Had a bowl of cereal, then around 8 I woke up Caleb and Laney. They were starting to get a lot stronger but not closer together than 5 mins. I called the doctor and they told me to come in. I stopped being able to walk and talk through them by the time we got to the hospital. We went up to triage and they checked me and I was only a three. My doctor came in and talked to me about being induced within the next couple of days because this STILL could not be active labor.....I very kindly said no thank you, I don't know how this couldn't be real labor because it hurts like a BITCH!! Haha so they let me hang out in triage for a few hours to "see" if I was in active labor.
8 a.m. after I woke up the sweeties. We took our time and watched a show together.

I chatted with my family and covered my face and squeezed my pillow through contractions. Then they got to be about two mins a part and VERY strong. I joked that I was ready for my epidural and I wasn't even admitted yet. Keep in mind I'm in this itty bitty room with an uncomfortable bed with Caleb, Laney, my mom and Jenny. Everyone was awesome and so sweet. Laney snuggled me and behaved very well. So Jenny tells the nurse I am ready for my epidural and she checks me. Now im dialated to a five or six I think I don't remember. They FINALLY admit me.....I am transferred into this huge gorgeous room with a tub, more seating and great light.

Then they start really coming. Every minute. One min contraction, one min of bliss. Well nauseous bliss.
This was taken a little bit after we arrived for the second time. They were like three mins apart here.

I had to wait until I got half a bag of  IV fluid before I could get my epidural. Then the anesthesiologist came in!!! I just kept telling myself only a few more contractions then the drugs will kick in. They made everyone leave so I didn't have Caleb's hand to squeeze (which seriously makes them better) The anesthesiologist did a wonderful job but she made me really nervous when she was feeling my spine and hips  and asked if I had NO! You are about to stick a needle in my SPINE and you think I have scoliosis when my spine is perfectly straight?!?!?! it made me a wee bit nervous.

The epidural was soooooooo good. Holy crap I don't ever want to go drug free. I endured a lot of those contractions and I was done!
finally feeling amazing! Caleb walked in and said "oh! you're smiling!" haha

Eventually they broke my water to speed things up. My sweet husband was by my side through everything. Except when his baby girl needed him:) I had Caleb, my mom, Jenny, Monika, Kaylyn, and Ali in the delivery room with me. I have no longer have any dignity....... Brother came out at 3:32 p.m. weighing 7lbs 5oz and 20 inches long:)

It was a very cool birth. They laid him on my chest for a really long time:) he stopped crying when I talked to him so I blabbed on and on like a lovestruck idiot:)  It was so freaking sweet. I think just about everyone was crying happy tears:)

Random fact: Laney was born at 3:33 pm and Sawyer was born at 3:32 pm both on Wednesdays:)

Jenny took pictures throughout my whole labor. They are sooooooo cool. I don't have them yet. I will post some of them soon. None of my girly parts are visible in any of them which is awesome:) I would like to post most of them but I am really open like that:) I don't know....I suppose if you don't want to see them you don't have to read that post :p

I hope you enjoyed my story! I am so glad I wrote this all down when I did because I would not be able to recall all of that detail now!