Monday, February 7, 2011


more old pictures I found:) she is so sweet!

 On the way home from the hospital, the most scary car ride EVER!
 Me and momma! I sat in the back seat with her until she was a month old hehehe

 talking on her hand phone
 She was soo skinny!
 First good bath, Caleb and I tried but we had no idea what we were doing and she was freezing! poor baby

so sweet!
 warm and clean in mommys arms!
 this was one of my favorite NB outfits

This was like the week after she was born! My bangs were in my face so I had her bow in my hair:) I wish I remembered this time more, I was so tired and trying to figure out how to take care of my fragile little angel that the memories are not very vivid:( I do remember how happy I was and still am! I am so glad that she is my daughter. We did not get pregnant on purpose but it could not have been more perfect! She has made us happier than we could have ever imagined!
ok now that im done blabbing im going to bed!!!


Anonymous said...

aww!! i looove this pictures soo much!! im so glad i have you wonderful girlies in my life!! (and caleb) haha i love you! :)


Unknown said...

wow i miss you guys so much.. those first few months were insane lol. we had no idea what we were doing!! But she was so adorable. I wish i remembered more from them, but those days were sooooo hectic. I cant wait to see you guys Friday!

Ciara said...

I got you that outfit! :) She definitely looked more like Caleb when she was born, but is looking more and more like Momma every day! :) Love you guys!!

Caleb said...

We need more BLOGS!??