Saturday, November 12, 2011

Numba 12!!

I am extremely proud of Ciara and I for posting everyday! WooHooo!!! Today I went to work for the first time in two years! I am working at my old job (the cleaners) for a few Saturdays to make money for Christmas gifts. I really like to give at Christmas and since we are trying to save up for a house I would feel guilty spending all the money we could be saving. So I am going to work a little bit so I can buy what I want for people! This post is going to be pretty random :p

Amazing things Laney has been doing lately:
  • We pray before bed every night and after I say amen she says it too! I have never asked her to she just started doing it! 
  • She has been running at me full speed and jumping into my arms! whew that is the best thing in the world!!
  • She can climb into the car and into her car seat all by herself! and she climbs on the dining room chairs and onto the table! not awesome scare the poop out of mom!! My girl is a curious little climber!! 
 Tonight Maddy had a performance and Laney and I were there and Jenny and the three boys she babysits were there. Well my little firecracker was running all around ,quietly thank goodness, and the boys Jenny was watching were snuggling her and sitting quietly eating fruit!! It was too funny I had this one baby I am trying to wrangle and Jenny has these three boys just sitting around her hahah. Maddy did SOOOO good she has an incredible voice! I will have to post the video because at the end of her second song Laney decided to join her on stage! It was really cute and I knew the song was almost over or else I wouldn't let her go up there! Well I am exhausted I didn't eat enough food today and I am paying for it! It was just one of those days where I had other things to do then eat!

Have a glorious Saturday night!

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