Friday, March 22, 2013

Baby Update

I had my appointment today and I ummmmm gained 3 lbs since my last appointment! Oooopppps! I don't think I look any larger but who knows! Maybe I am in denial ;)

As of today I am 2cm dialated and 50 percent effaced! Woo hoo! It is totally flipping Caleb out:) hehe I am freaking out too :p I am an over thinker and I am just anticipating the change that is going to occur. I know I will be pleasantly surprised because I am expecting the worst.
I am just so worried about how Laney is going to react to the babe and I worry about being able to be awake enough to be the best mom I can be. Of course I will give myself some slack because I will be tired but I just worry. I can't help it.

Also I have heard some moms call it a mom-vacation at the hospital and I can't help but think it is just going to be torture for me to be stuck there. I have never been away from Laney for more than one night and I don't want to. It's going to drive me batty not putting her to bed and taking care of her. Do I sound a bit like a control freak? I promise I'm least I don't think I am:p

Well I am soaking up these last few days with my baby as an only:)

Have a safe Friday night

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